Emergency and Urgent Care
For Your Pet Emergencies When We Are Closed:
1500 Technology Way
Scarborough, ME 04074
Phone: (207) 885-1290 Open 24 hours
(Located right off Route 1 in Scarborough, between Scarborough Downs & Haigis Parkway in the Enterprise Business Park.)
739 Warren Ave, Portland, ME 04103
Phone: (207) 878-3121 Open 24 hours
Safety Tips:
Pets who are severely ill or injured may try to bite, claw, or act in an aggressive manner toward those trying to help them. Approach any injured or sick pet slowly and calmly; say their name and see how the animal reacts. Call for help if the pet reacts aggressively.
For dogs, fashion a makeshift stretcher if the animal is unable to move. Make sure the neck is supported.
For cats, slowly place a blanket or towel over the head to prevent biting. Slowly lift the animal into an open-topped carrier or box.
Elevate and apply pressure to any bleeding wound.
If You Think Your Pet Has Eaten Something Poisonous:
Call us at 231-238-7022 immediately! If after hours, contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center’s 24-hour hotline at (888) 426-4435. Trained toxicologists will consider the age and health of your pet, what was ingested, and then make a recommendation about what action should be taken.