Nicole (1)

Nicole P.

Nicole is a dedicated and compassionate member of our team joining us in 2023. With a strong background in the medical field, Nicole began her journey in 2016 at a local refuge league, working in their surgical clinic. This experience laid a solid foundation for her career, instilling in her a deep sense of commitment towards providing quality care and improving the lives of animals.

Nicole thrives on the versatility of her workdays. From conducting X-rays and performing blood draws to examining specimens under the microscope, she embraces the opportunity to engage in diverse tasks that enhance her skills and contribute to the well-being of our animal patients.

One of the key aspects that Nicole appreciates about her work environment is the collaborative spirit among her colleagues. She finds great fulfillment in working alongside individuals who encourage continuous learning and invest their time in her personal and professional growth.

In Nicole’s free time she enjoys golfing and relaxing at the beach where she can unwind and recharge. Additionally, she cherishes spending quality time with her daughter, creating precious memories together.

Nicole brings a combination of skill, compassion, and enthusiasm to her role at Pine Point Animal Hospital. Her dedication to the well-being of animals, coupled with her commitment to personal growth, make her an invaluable member of our team. We are fortunate to have her as part of our organization, where she continues to make a positive impact on the lives of our animal patients and their owners.